How to watch The Mystery of D.B. Cooper in Australia

How to watch The Mystery of D.B. Cooper in Australia
Image source: TMDB

The Mystery of D.B. Cooper is a fascinating documentary covering what’s considered to be one of the greatest unsolved heists in American history. Delving into this long-standing mystery, the film highlights the stories of four individuals fervently believed by their loved ones to be the infamous mystery man who hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft, extorted $200,000, and parachuted from the plane over Washington state’s roughest terrain, only to disappear without a trace. Through interviews with family and friends, the factual movie brings these compelling tales to life, leaving viewers to ponder the enduring mystery of D.B. Cooper.

What’s in this Guide?

The Mystery of D.B. Cooper preview

The documentary film, The Mystery of DB Cooper, directed by John Dower and his crew, is a masterful take on the engrossing tale of the only unsolved airplane hijacking in U.S. history. The movie sets the tone of the early ‘70s era of air travel with clips from period airline advertisements, and interviews with a stewardess on the hijacked flight.

The movie explores the story of Dan Cooper, the mysterious hijacker of a flight out of Portland and bound for Seattle on November 24, 1971, the night before Thanksgiving. In his directing style and exposition, Dower does an exceptional job in catching all the right clues, which allows the audience to piece together every detail that could help discover Cooper’s identity.

Suspects who come into play in the future have their stories told in between the stages of the hijacking and the subsequent manhunt. Splitting the future suspects with the events as they occurred also allows each D.B. Cooper prospect to be newly scrutinised, each one equally intriguing and deeply believable.

As the film progresses, it becomes clear that The Mystery of D.B. Cooper maintains a very subtle wit throughout. The team also speaks with Bruce Smith, the author of D.B. Cooper and the FBI: A Case Study of America’s only Unsolved Skyjacking, who’s scoured all possibilities and is a wonderful companion voice to the agents, all of whom have excellent memories when it comes to the Cooper case.

As the story goes, D.B. Cooper told a flight attendant that he had a bomb and demanded cash in exchange for the passengers. The plane stopped to pick up the ransom and drop off the passengers, and the crew kept the news of the hijack from the air travellers until after they landed.

Back in the air, Cooper told the pilots to circle around while he figured out how to open the back hatch, something they had to guide him through via intercom. While they didn’t know when Cooper jumped out with the $200,000 ransom money, they knew he was gone when they felt the air pressure change and assumed they were down one man.

The film asks who and what really happened to Dan Cooper, the person credited for the greatest unsolved heist in American history. And a far bigger question also remains, what happened to the lost cash?

Check out this film’s rating: 6.7/10 6.5/10Find out more
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The Mystery of D.B. Cooper movie guide

The Mystery of DB Cooper dropped on DocPlay last Thursday, 4 May 2023. New customers can instantly stream the docufilm on demand using the service’s 14-day free trial.

DocumentaryRunning TimeIMDb
The Mystery of DB Cooper (2020)1hr 25min6.5/10

The Mystery of DB Cooper trailer

You can watch the trailer for the true crime documentary film, The Mystery of D.B. Cooper, right here:

What other streaming services are The Mystery of D.B. Cooper on?

To watch the documentary film, DocPlay offers access for on demand streaming, as well as Stan. As of this writing, only DocPlay and Stan are confirmed to stream the documentary on their platforms.

Streaming ServiceAvailable?

How to watch The Mystery of D.B. Cooper in Australia?

DocPlay houses over a thousand documentaries that you can watch on streaming TV instantly. A new addition to its ever-expanding catalogue is The Mystery of D.B. Cooper, an intriguing film that aims to shed light to the only unsolved case of air piracy in American history.

To start streaming, you can use DocPlay’s 14-day free trial to watch the docufilm for free. After your free trial is up, a DocPlay plan is only $7.99 per month or $79.99 for a yearly subscription. If you’re a big documentary fan, DocPlay provides thousands of the world’s best documentaries all in one place.

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Who appears in The Mystery of D.B. Cooper movie?

This true crime documentary film involves brilliant characters such as:

  • Jo Weber as Self – Duane Weber’s Wife
  • Duane Weber – Suspect Number 1
  • Barbara Dayton – Suspect Number 2
  • L.D. Cooper – Suspect Number 3
  • Richard Floyd McCoy – Suspect Number 4
  • Tim Collins – Jo’s ‘Memory Man’
  • Tina Mucklow – Air Stewardess
  • William Rataczak – Co-Pilot
  • Bill Mitchell – Passenger
  • Hannah Pauley as Tina Mucklow
  • Miles Richardson as Duane Weber
  • Peter Caulfield as Ron Forman

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New docuseries and movies are added each and every week so the choice is never an issue. These include favourites like Fortune Fights, JFK: Destiny Betrayed, and 2040. We have made a few more suggestions when it comes to the best documentaries on DocPlay below.

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